Saturday, February 04, 2006


We will begin this scavenger hunt next week and split the categories and questions by groups.

Please look at this site and the hunt before we begin it. Thanks, Mr. M.................

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Two maps that show the difference in the spread of the "IRON CURTAIN"

1945 VE Day

The CURTAIN Descends!!!

Check out this great Cold War site

You guys MUST check this out! It will help you understand events better!!

Please take the Cold War Terminology Test and provide proof of it for extra credit!!

cold war timeline

Remember, the Cold War lasted longer than the 50s and 60s. Please pay attention to these important dates!

1945: Yalta Agreement
1947: Truman Doctrine
1947: Marshal Plan
1948: Berlin Airlift
1949: NATO formed
1950: Korean War begins.
1952: U.S. tests first hydrogen bomb in Marshall Islands.
1953: Soviet Union tests first hydrogen bomb.
1953: Korean War ends.
1955: Warsaw Pact organized
1957: Launch of Sputnik
1950s: McCarthy Hearings
1961: Berlin Wall built
1961: Bay of Pigs
1962: Cuban Missile Crisis
1963: Installation of a Hot Line
1969: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) begins.
1979: Invasion of Afghanistan
1987: Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
1989: Berlin Wall comes down.
1990: Unification of East and West Germany
1991: Collapse of the Soviet Union