Wednesday, February 01, 2006

cold war timeline

Remember, the Cold War lasted longer than the 50s and 60s. Please pay attention to these important dates!

1945: Yalta Agreement
1947: Truman Doctrine
1947: Marshal Plan
1948: Berlin Airlift
1949: NATO formed
1950: Korean War begins.
1952: U.S. tests first hydrogen bomb in Marshall Islands.
1953: Soviet Union tests first hydrogen bomb.
1953: Korean War ends.
1955: Warsaw Pact organized
1957: Launch of Sputnik
1950s: McCarthy Hearings
1961: Berlin Wall built
1961: Bay of Pigs
1962: Cuban Missile Crisis
1963: Installation of a Hot Line
1969: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) begins.
1979: Invasion of Afghanistan
1987: Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
1989: Berlin Wall comes down.
1990: Unification of East and West Germany
1991: Collapse of the Soviet Union


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